I would love to hear from anyone who uses these bookmarks - go on just take a few minutes to e-mail me -
send me something nice if you feel like it!
Hi - and thank you for downloading Tina's Bookmarks 1.0. These bookmarks were created in Netscape 3.0
and are mainly for the Mac. There is a great selection that took me ages to find - shareware, freeware - you
name it - it's there. It will save you a lot of time looking for the best sites and hopefully be a lot of fun!
Installing Tina's Bookmarks 1.0
It's as easy as 1,2,3,...
1) Open your preferences file in your system folder. Select the "Netscape" folder and open it.
2) You should already have your own set of bookmarks called bookmarks.html in here so if you want to keep
these, copy them to another location first. Then simply drop in the new 'bookmarks.html' file and close.
3) Restart Netscape and enjoy!
If you want to edit these bookmarks and add your own go ahead - just go to the bookmarks menu and 'import bookmarks', select your folder and voila!
Boring Stuff
I think it's about here where I say I'm not responsible for any problems caused by this software (even thought I can't see they would cause any problems) - but thats what everyone else seems to say!
Although I don't ask for any money for these bookmarks - I do retain all copyright for these files.
These files may be put on CD's only if I am notified beforehand. Thank You!